Trusted By Fastest Growing Companies

Benefits of more website traffic?

Improved Conversions

With increased traffic, you have more opportunities to convert visitors into customers.

Increase sales

Increased website traffic exposes your products/services to a wider audience, leading to increase in sales.

Better Customer Insights

As traffic increases, you have more data to analyse and gain insights into customer behaviour and preferences.

Retargeting Possibilities

Feedify helps you implement retargeting campaigns to re-engage users who have visited your website.

Enhanced Social Proof

As traffic increases, so does the likelihood of user-generated content such as reviews, and social media shares.

Improved SEO Performance

Higher traffic volume, longer visit durations can signal search engines that your website offers valuable content.

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their needs

See how multiple industries can use
Feedify to boost their website traffic

Push notification

Can be used to promote new product launches or sales, and attract customers to visit the website.

Web Overlays

Can be used to display attractive discounts or offers, which can drive more traffic to the website.

Social popups

Can be used to promote new product launches or sales, and attract customers to visit the website.

After-sales feedback

Can be used to display attractive discounts or offers, which can drive more traffic to the website.

Not just User traffic, we can help
you with much more!


Stop guessing and start knowing your audience

Drive targeted traffic to your website with Feedify!

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