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21 May, 2024 • 10 min read

Optimizing Push Notifications for Maximum Impact: A Guide to A/B Testing

Call-to-Action (CTA)

A/B Testing

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You can boost engagement by up to 85% and conversion rates by A/B testing your push notifications. Identify the most effective message wording, call-to-action, and visuals that resonate with your audience. Test different variables like emojis, humor, urgency, and images to find the perfect combo. Set a clear hypothesis, pick one thing to test, and analyze the data to optimize your strategy. By iterating and refining your approach, you can create notifications that drive real results. Now, discover the specific tactics and best practices to take your push notifications to the next level.


Key Takeaways

  • A/B testing push notifications helps identify the most effective message wording, tone, and language to drive engagement and conversion rates.
  • Testing different call-to-actions (CTAs) and humor styles can significantly impact notification performance and user response.
  • Using urgency tactics, such as limited-time offers and countdown timers, can create a sense of FOMO and increase user engagement.
  • Incorporating visuals like images, GIFs, and emojis can boost notification open rates and click-through rates when A/B tested for optimal performance.
  • Iterative A/B testing and analysis of results are crucial for refining push notification strategies and maximizing their impact.


Introduction to A/B Testing

Localized and A/B tested push notification campaign

A/B testing helps you improve your push notifications by testing different versions to see which one works best. You can learn what your audience likes and increase engagement. By analyzing data, you can make your notifications better and get more people to take action.

Here’s how A/B testing can help you:

  • Test different versions of notifications
  • See which one gets better results
  • Understand what users like
  • Improve your notification strategy
  • Get more people to convert


Setting a Hypothesis

When you’re doing A/B testing, you need to have a clear goal in mind. This goal should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. This will help you stay focused and get meaningful results.

Your hypothesis should align with your business goals to make sure your testing is effective.

Make sure your hypothesis is SMART.

Focus on improving key performance indicators (KPIs) like open rates or conversions.

Use data from past campaigns to guide your hypothesis.


What Variables Should You Test with A/B Testing?

When optimizing push notifications, you’ll want to identify the most impactful variables to test with A/B testing.

Consider testing message wording, call-to-action, humor, urgency, and images to see which ones resonate best with your audience.


Message Wording

Boosting engagement by up to 85% is easy with emojis in your push notifications! A study by HubSpot shows that adding emojis can make a big difference. Testing different message styles is key to finding what works best for your audience. A/B testing helps you figure out the best wording for more engagement and conversions.

When testing messages, think about the tone, length, and language. Ask yourself, ‘Should I be more formal or casual?’ Testing different styles helps you find the right balance for better responses.

Your message wording really matters. Testing different styles can boost opens, clicks, and conversions. Keep testing and tweaking your wording to get the best results. This way, you’ll create messages that connect with your audience and drive more engagement and sales.



When creating a good CTA, it’s important to test which ones work best. Here are some examples of CTAs and how they perform:

  • Shop Now: 3.5% conversion rate, 12% click-through rate
  • Learn More: 2.1% conversion rate, 9% click-through rate
  • Buy Now: 4.2% conversion rate, 15% click-through rate
  • Get Started: 3.8% conversion rate, 11% click-through rate

Testing different CTAs can help you find the most effective one for your website.



If you want more people to open your notifications, try adding some funny stuff! A study found that funny notifications got 22% more opens. So, when you’re testing different things, don’t forget to try out humor. It’s a great way to catch people’s attention and get them engaged.

When testing humor, think about what your audience likes. Do they prefer sarcasm or just being playful? Maybe a simple joke or a clever line will work best. A/B testing can show you which approach works better for getting people interested.



When you get a limited-time offer, 70% of people feel like they need to act fast. It’s important to test out ways to create urgency in your push notifications to get more people to buy.

Testing different methods can help you figure out what works best.

  • Try out limited-time offers, scarcity messages, or countdown timers to make people feel like they might miss out.
  • Use A/B testing to see which approach your audience likes more.
  • Test different messages like ’24 hours left!’ or ‘Hurry! Almost sold out!’ to see what gets more sales.
  • Send notifications at different times, like during busy hours or special events, to see what works best.



When it comes to making people notice your messages, try out different kinds of pictures like icons, graphics, or photos to see which one gets the most attention and interaction from your audience. It’s important to test what works best for push notifications.

For example, you can see if a simple icon or a colorful graphic is more popular.

Icons: 20% engagement rate, 15% conversion rate

Graphics: 30% engagement rate, 20% conversion rate

Photos: 25% engagement rate, 18% conversion rate

Animated GIFs: 35% engagement rate, 25% conversion rate

Custom Illustrations: 28% engagement rate, 22% conversion rate

It’s also a good idea to compare different image sizes. Test if a big, eye-catching image or a smaller, more subtle one works better. Remember, the aim is to find the right balance between getting attention and not being too distracting.



Want more people to click on your notifications? Just add GIFs! Studies show that moving pictures can make people more likely to click, up to 20% more! Why? Because GIFs are fun and catch people’s eyes, making them want to see more.

Here’s how to make your GIFs get the most attention:

  • Keep it short and snappy: Short GIFs are better than long ones. People like quick and easy to watch GIFs.
  • Use cool animations: GIFs with lots of movement and colors are awesome! They grab attention and make people want to click.
  • Try different styles: Experiment with different kinds of GIFs to see what people like best. Looping ones or stop-motion can be a hit!

Don’t forget to add some GIFs to your notifications and watch your clicks go up!



Add an emoji to your notification to boost engagement – a study shows that emojis can increase open rates by 85%! Emojis make your messages more fun and engaging, catching people’s attention.

To find the best emojis for your audience, try A/B testing different ones.

  • Test a smiling face emoji vs. a heart symbol to see which one works better.
  • Try using emojis at the start of the message and at the end to see the impact.
  • Analyze the results to pick the best emoji strategy for more engagement and conversions.

Remember to test, analyze, and improve your approach to get the most out of your notifications! 🚀



Timing is super important when sending out push notifications. By figuring out the best time to send them, you can get more people to click on them – up to 20% more!

A/B testing helps you try out different timing ideas to see what works best for your audience.

Here are three timing things you can test:

  • What time of day do people like getting notifications? Morning, afternoon, or evening?
  • Do people like notifications more on weekdays or weekends?
  • Does the time of year, like holidays or summer, affect how people engage with your notifications?



If you want to boost engagement and sales, try targeting people based on where they are. This can increase engagement by up to 25% because it makes your messages more personal to them.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Use geofencing to set up virtual boundaries around certain places. This will send notifications to people when they enter or leave those areas.
  • This works really well for businesses like stores or restaurants. It can help bring more people to your location and increase sales.
  • Test different location-based ideas to see what works best. Try things like special offers for certain locations or reminders based on where people are. This will help you figure out the best way to reach your audience.


A/B Testing Pitfalls and Best Practices

example of a/b test results in a testing tool.

When running A/B testing campaigns, you’ll want to steer clear of common pitfalls that can skew your results. To get the most out of your tests, it’s important to test one variable at a time, carefully interpret your results, and continually refine your approach.


Test One Variable at a Time

When doing A/B testing, it’s best to test one thing at a time. This way, you can see exactly what’s causing the results you want. Testing many things at once can make it hard to know which one is making a difference.

To make sure your A/B testing works well, follow these tips:

  • Pick one thing to test: Choose something that fits your goals and test it by itself for accurate results.
  • Plan how to test: Make a plan before you start testing to stay organized and efficient.
  • Look at the data: Study the data carefully to understand the results and make decisions based on facts.


Be Thoughtful When Interpreting Your Results

When looking at the results of your A/B testing, it’s important to think about what might’ve affected the outcome. This will help you make sure your conclusions are accurate.

If you don’t consider all the factors, you mightn’t understand the results correctly, which could hurt your marketing plan. Check the number of people in your test group, when the test was done, and who your audience is to confirm the results are reliable.

Also, think about any outside things that could have changed the outcome, like market trends or the time of year. By carefully studying the data, you can see what really made a difference and use that to improve your push notifications for better results.


Iteration is Key

If you keep trying different things and learn from them, you’ll figure out what works best for getting people interested and making them take action when they see your push notifications.

It’s important to always try to do better. Remember, testing things out isn’t a one-time job – you need to keep doing it regularly to get the best results.

Here are three important things to remember:

  1. Try, check, try again: Keep testing different things, see what happens, and make changes based on what you learn.
  2. Be ready to change: Don’t be afraid to switch up how you test things when you get new information, and be okay with making big changes if you need to.
  3. Keep getting better: Remember that testing things out is a step-by-step process, and each test helps you get closer to doing things perfectly.


Start Testing Your Notifications to Improve Engagement

Now that you know what to test, it’s time to try out different things to see what works best for your push notifications.

  • Create two versions of your message with different styles, like funny or serious.
  • Split your audience into two groups and send each group a different version.
  • Keep track of how many people open the message, click on it, and take action.
  • Compare the results to see which version was more successful.
  • Use this info to improve your messages and get more people engaged.


Ankur, with over 20 years of expertise, simplifies the complex world of online marketing to boost your conversion rates. He shares actionable insights that anyone can apply to see immediate results. Trust Ankur to guide you through proven strategies that enhance your online presence and profitability.

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