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13 May, 2024 • 11 min read

How Big Tech Companies Use In-App Messaging



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As you navigate your favorite apps, have you ever wondered how big tech companies manage to send you messages that feel eerily relevant to your interests? It’s no coincidence – they’ve mastered the art of in-app messaging. By segmenting users, testing message variations, and tracking behavior, they deliver personalized messages that boost engagement and retention. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The most effective strategies, from personalized push notifications to interactive features, remain a closely guarded secret. What’s the secret sauce that makes their in-app messaging so effective, and how can you replicate their success?

Key Takeaways

  • Big tech companies use in-app messaging to personalize user experiences, increasing engagement and revenue through tailored communication.
  • They divide users into groups for targeted messaging, testing different messages to maintain user interest and enhance app functionality.
  • Personalized messaging based on user data and behavior fosters connection and understanding, boosting user retention and loyalty.
  • Companies combine in-app messaging with push notifications to create effective user engagement strategies, driving business growth and sales.
  • By prioritizing user privacy and security, companies can build trust and increase the effectiveness of their in-app messaging strategies.



In today’s digital world, big tech companies use in-app messages a lot to talk to users inside the app. Almost all users like in-app messages more than other ways of talking.

When you use apps, you see messages that tell you things, teach you, or ask you to do something. Do you ever wonder why big tech companies use in-app messages so much? They do this because in-app messages help make the app experience smooth, get users involved, and lead to more actions taken.

In-app messages are important because they let companies talk to users in a personal way, make users happy, and keep them coming back. By using in-app messages, companies can help users, give quick help, and get useful opinions.

When you look deeper into in-app messages, you’ll learn the tricks that big tech companies use to get users interested and all the good things that come from it.

Overview of In-App Messaging

In-App Messaging Overview:

In-app messaging is like those pop-up notes you get while using an app. They help you understand how the app works and what you can do. It’s a cool way to talk to users while they’re using the app. There are different types of messages in apps, like welcome messages, how-to messages, and special offer messages. Each message helps users do something in the app.

In-app messaging isn’t like emails or push notifications. It’s more personal and fun. App creators use it to make the app experience better for users. Good in-app messages make users want to use the app more. They help users do what the app wants them to do. So, in-app messaging is super important for making users happy and making the app successful.

Benefits of In-App Messaging

In-app messaging helps companies in many ways. Here are the benefits:

  • It makes users more interested and they do things in the app.
  • It lets companies talk to users in a personal way.
  • Companies can learn how users behave to make the app better.

Using in-app messaging can help a business grow by getting more users involved, making more sales, and keeping customers happy.

Strategies for Big Tech Companies V

Big tech companies like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram have smart ways to make chatting in their apps super easy and to help their businesses grow. You can learn from how they do it to make your app messaging better.

Here are some tips you can use:

  • Divide Users: Split users into groups to send them messages that suit them best.
  • Test Different Messages: Try out different messages to see which ones work best to keep users interested.
  • Personalize Experiences: Use what you know about users to make each one feel special and connected.
  • Track User Behavior: Watch what users do in the app to find ways to make it even better.

Personalized Messaging


Big tech companies send messages that are personalized and tailored to your interests, making them more engaging and relevant to you. They analyze your preferences and behavior to create messages that resonate with you, increasing the likelihood of you following through on the message’s call to action. These personalized messages foster a sense of connection and understanding, making you feel valued and understood by the app. As a result, you are more inclined to interact with the app, whether it’s making a purchase or taking advantage of a special offer. By leveraging personalized messaging, big tech companies effectively communicate with you in a way that drives user engagement and ultimately boosts their revenue.

This targeted approach to messaging not only enhances user experience but also benefits companies by increasing user retention and loyalty.

Push Notifications

When you use your favorite apps, you get those quick pop-up messages called push notifications. They ask you to do something or check out new stuff. These messages aim to bring you back to the app and get you to do a specific task or try out new things. Big tech companies use push notifications to get users more involved, which helps them make more money. Studies show that push notifications can make users 88% more engaged.

When companies send personalized push notifications, users are more likely to do what the message says. When push notifications are combined with in-app messages, companies can make a plan to keep users engaged and see good results.

  • Push notifications are short messages that pop up on your screen.
  • They want you to come back to the app and do something specific.
  • Big tech companies use push notifications to make more money.
  • Personalized push notifications can make users more engaged.
  • When combined with in-app messages, they create a plan for user engagement.

Targeted Offers and Promotions

Sales promotion

Want to make your app more engaging for users? One way is to send them personalized offers and promotions. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Use push notifications and in-app messages to reach users.
  • Offer discounts on products they like.
  • Reward them for coming back to your app.
  • Use data to tailor offers to their interests.

This will help you boost sales and keep users happy.

Feedback and Surveys

Getting feedback from users can help you make your app better. Here’s how:

  • Find ways to make your app better: When users tell you what they don’t like, you can fix those things to make your app more enjoyable for everyone.
  • Make smart decisions with data: Surveys give you lots of information to help you decide what to do next with your app.
  • Keep users interested: When users know you listen to them, they’re more likely to keep using your app. This helps you build a loyal group of users who love what you offer.

Customer Support

Big tech companies use messaging inside apps to help customers quickly. They answer questions fast and give personalized help based on what users do. This makes users happy and solves problems easily.

  • Quick Help: Fast answers to questions
  • Personalized Support: Tailored help for each user
  • Easy Switching: Move between different ways of getting help

Case Studies

Here are some real-life examples of how big tech companies used in-app messages to make their apps better:

  • WhatsApp made a special welcome for new users, which got people more interested and made more people start using the app.
  • Instagram sent messages inside the app that made people buy more stuff and use the app more.
  • Facebook used in-app messages to get more people to do what they wanted on the app.

These examples show how tech companies used in-app messages to get more people to use their apps. By looking at these examples, you can see how they did it and maybe get some ideas for your own app.

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger is a super popular texting app. They use messages inside the app to make it easy for you to talk to your friends. Businesses can also talk to you directly on Facebook Messenger. They make sure to give you a personalized and fun experience.

They use chatbots to help you quickly with any questions you have. This helps businesses save time and focus on harder problems. Facebook Messenger is really good at making it easy for businesses to talk to their customers.


whatsapp images

WhatsApp is a popular messaging app used by lots of people. It helps you talk to your friends and businesses easily.

Here are three ways WhatsApp uses messages in the app:

  • Encrypted messages: WhatsApp keeps your messages safe by making sure they’re encrypted, which means they’re secure and protected.
  • Talking to businesses: You can talk directly to businesses on WhatsApp, which helps you get special deals and messages just for you.
  • Getting help: If you need help, you can message a company on WhatsApp and they’ll answer your questions quickly.

Instagram Direct Messaging

Instagram lets you talk privately with friends and followers. You can share stuff and have fun chats with them. It’s like having your own secret clubhouse in the app. This makes Instagram super cool and fun to use.

Here are some cool things you can do with Instagram’s Direct Messaging:

  • Share photos and videos with your friends
  • Send disappearing photos and videos that vanish after a while
  • Chat with a bunch of friends together in a group chat

Businesses can also use Direct Messaging to talk to customers. They can share special deals and help customers with their questions. This makes Instagram a great place for both having fun and getting stuff done. It’s like a cool hangout spot and a helpful store all in one app!



iMessage is a cool way to chat with friends. It has fun features like sending messages that are super secure and can’t be seen by others. You can also chat with a bunch of friends at the same time and share files with them too. Big tech companies love using iMessage because it helps them talk to customers easily. They can use iMessage to make customers happy and get them to buy more stuff.

Here are three ways iMessage can make chatting even better:

  • Send messages just for you: With iMessage, companies can send you messages that are just for you based on what you like and do. This can make you more likely to buy something.
  • Get special deals: iMessage lets companies send you special offers and discounts that you’ll like. This can make you want to buy more from them.
  • Play fun games and quizzes: You can play games and quizzes with iMessage. Companies can use these to ask you questions and make you happy.

Challenges and Best Practices

Big tech companies face challenges when using iMessage and other messaging apps to communicate with users. These challenges include privacy concerns, which can make users worried and less engaged. To solve this, companies need to focus on user privacy and security by being clear about how they use data, getting permission from users, and following data protection rules.

It’s also important to send personalized messages that users care about, instead of sending too much random stuff. This can help increase engagement, make users more likely to buy things, and build trust with users. By following these tips, big tech companies can make messaging better for users and give them a fun experience.

Future Trends in In-App Messaging

When we talk about the future of messaging inside apps, we can expect some cool changes. Big tech companies will start using smarter AI, fun interactive features, and more personalized messages to talk to users in a whole new way.

Here are three important things to look out for in the future of messaging inside apps:

  • Smart chatbots: Get ready to chat with chatbots that are super smart thanks to AI. They’ll understand how you act and talk to you like a real person.
  • Fun games and quizzes: Messaging inside apps will have cool games, quizzes, and polls to keep you entertained and involved.
  • Personalized messages: Apps will use fancy technology to send you messages that are just for you. They’ll know what you like and talk to you in a way that suits you best.

These changes will help big tech companies make your app experience more fun, engaging, and personal.


In-app messaging helps big tech companies connect with users and boost their business. It makes the user experience better and increases engagement and sales. Let’s see how in-app messaging works and why it’s so important:

  • Personalization is key: Companies send messages tailored to each user, making them feel special.
  • Push notifications are helpful: They remind users to come back to the app and check out new updates.
  • Special offers and discounts grab attention: Users love getting exclusive deals through in-app messages.

Learn from experts at Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram on how to use in-app messaging effectively. Apply these tips to make your messages stand out and grow your business.


Ankur, with over 20 years of expertise, simplifies the complex world of online marketing to boost your conversion rates. He shares actionable insights that anyone can apply to see immediate results. Trust Ankur to guide you through proven strategies that enhance your online presence and profitability.

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