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Billed $300 annually

1000 Push Subscribers

  • Unlimited notificationsAll Feedify Products
  • >Schedule Push notifications24/7 Customer Support
  • Mobile Push NotificationSchedule Notifications



Billed $780 annually

  • Unlimited notificationsAll Feedify Products
  • >Schedule Push notifications24/7 Customer Support
  • Mobile Push NotificationSchedule Notifications
  • Campaign Auto ResponderCampaign Auto Responder
  • Event AnimationEvent Animation



Billed $300 annually

1,000 Push notifications

  • Unlimited notificationsAll Feedify Products
  • >Schedule Push notifications24/7 Customer Support
  • Mobile Push NotificationSchedule Notifications



Billed $780 annually

  • Unlimited notificationsAll Feedify Products
  • >Schedule Push notifications24/7 Customer Support
  • Mobile Push NotificationSchedule Notifications
  • Campaign Auto ResponderCampaign Auto Responder
  • Event AnimationEvent Animation

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tailored plans mean more money in your pocket.

Push Notification Onesingal, Pushowl, Izooto
Web Overlays Webengage, Moengage
After-Sales Feedback Klaviyo, Yotpo


Billed $1020 annually

Save 79%

Push Notification

News Stories


Web Overlays



After-Sales Feedback


Billed $540 annually

Discover your Feedify ROI Potential

Understand how Feedify's powerful services directly boost your business, ensuring every
investment brings significant returns.

increment in monthly revenue through targeted campaigns with Feedify.

This output is calculated using pan-industry averages for notification delivery rate, click through rate, and
frequency of notifications sent in a month. Your actual result may slightly vary based on your domain.

increment in monthly revenue through targeted campaigns with Feedify.

This output is calculated using pan-industry averages for notification delivery rate, click through rate, and
frequency of notifications sent in a month. Your actual result may slightly vary based on your domain.

Real People, Real Results

Lisa cena

46% increased click rate

Boosted our engagement by 50%

We have always known that we are good at what we do. Now we found the best tool for telling
others about it too. Within a week of implementation, we received a representative group of
referral customers on our website and a multipurpose tool for monitoring the customer experience.

Lisa Chen

CEO of Bright Ideas

View all success stories

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small line


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small line


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It depends on how they are implemented. If push notifications are irrelevant, frequent, or poorly timed, they can be perceived as intrusive or annoying by users. However, if they are personalized, useful, and sent at appropriate times, they can actually enhance user engagement and satisfaction. The key is to respect users' preferences and use push notifications judiciously, so that they provide value without being overwhelming or annoying.

It depends on how they are implemented. If push notifications are irrelevant, frequent, or poorly timed, they can be perceived as intrusive or annoying by users. However, if they are personalized, useful, and sent at appropriate times, they can actually enhance user engagement and satisfaction. The key is to respect users' preferences and use push notifications judiciously, so that they provide value without being overwhelming or annoying.

It depends on how they are implemented. If push notifications are irrelevant, frequent, or poorly timed, they can be perceived as intrusive or annoying by users. However, if they are personalized, useful, and sent at appropriate times, they can actually enhance user engagement and satisfaction. The key is to respect users' preferences and use push notifications judiciously, so that they provide value without being overwhelming or annoying.

It depends on how they are implemented. If push notifications are irrelevant, frequent, or poorly timed, they can be perceived as intrusive or annoying by users. However, if they are personalized, useful, and sent at appropriate times, they can actually enhance user engagement and satisfaction. The key is to respect users' preferences and use push notifications judiciously, so that they provide value without being overwhelming or annoying.

It depends on how they are implemented. If push notifications are irrelevant, frequent, or poorly timed, they can be perceived as intrusive or annoying by users. However, if they are personalized, useful, and sent at appropriate times, they can actually enhance user engagement and satisfaction. The key is to respect users' preferences and use push notifications judiciously, so that they provide value without being overwhelming or annoying.